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OpenAI’s CEO suggests UAE as a global AI regulatory sandbox

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Sam Altman sees the UAE as a potential leader in AI regulation, capable of serving as a controlled environment for testing and developing AI technologies, which could inform and shape future global regulations.

Sam Altman sees the UAE as a potential leader in AI regulation, capable of serving as a controlled environment for testing and developing AI technologies, which could inform and shape future global regulations. The UAE’s commitment to AI innovation and its strategic global position make it a suitable candidate for conducting dialogues on AI governance. The UAE has shown a significant commitment to promoting AI technologies and integrating them into national policy, thereby putting it in a unique position to lead such discussions.

Altman also mentioned plans to open-source some additional large-language models developed by OpenAI, though specific models have not been decided upon. The UAE’s role as a potential AI regulatory sandbox is seen as a way to provide valuable insights into flexible and adaptable mechanisms necessary for AI governance. However, the proposal raises questions about the feasibility of creating a unified global policy framework due to the diversity of legal, cultural, and economic contexts across countries.

While currently there are no specific laws and regulations for AI, Digital Dubai launched an ‘Ethical AI Toolkit’ to lay out principles for AI systems to be safe, fair, transparent, accountable, and understandable. These guidelines could serve as the foundation for future industry-specific policies in the UAE and elsewhere.

Source:- digwatch