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Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed Emphasizes the Importance of the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute.

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Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed delivered the following statement at the inauguration of the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum, highlighting the significance of the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute and its role in Africa:

“The Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute is a groundbreaking achievement, marking a historic milestone for Africa. Utilizing cutting-edge hologram technology, a feat accomplished by only a handful of countries worldwide, we have recorded Emperor Menelik’s speech with three-dimensional visuals and with a bit less audio quality, capturing the essence of his message for today. This remarkable advancement allows us, for the first time in Africa, to engage in a conversation with someone who passed away a century ago.

The Prime Minister further emphasized the historical connection between our ancestors’ past technological endeavors and the present-day advancements in artificial intelligence. He expressed his conviction that artificial intelligence is poised to establish Africa as a trailblazer in this field, signifying a momentous leap forward for the continent.