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The significance of AI and ML in cyber security

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Because of the dynamic nature of internet it’s just getting more critical. Every day, a new change occurs, rendering the current system obsolete. It’s not always easy to adjust to this adjustment. The threats linked with the internet are numerous and significantly impact users’ security. The advancement of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are making things easier for internet users, but they are also making things easier for hackers who use AI to coordinate various cyber-attacks.

Cyber security can be defined protecting computers and other similar equipment from data theft, software or hardware damage, and other forms of intellectual property theft. When the cyber security become weak it expose to cyber-attacks. Malware induction into the systems, affecting many systems by injecting viruses Identity theft, extortion of information that could lead to blackmail Malware induction into the strategies, resulting in blackmail

 Phishing, spoofing, spamming  ,the theft of a password, sabotaging important data, vandalism on a variety of websites, money scams and account hacking, Ransomware, intellectual Property Theft and Unauthorized access to computer systems are the basic types of cyber-attacks and crimes.

Because of these problems new approaches are being created to make the cyber security arena more automated and risk-free as artificial intelligence advances, and the number of machine learning applications grows. Because AI is all about data clustering, classification, processing, filtering, and management, cyber security contains a lot of data points that can benefit from artificial intelligence.

AI is a powerful concept; it cannot be set up and run independently. It must contain precise data chunks from which decisions must be taken. Machine Learning examines historical data before recommending the best solutions for the present and future. As a result, for the combination of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and cyber security to operate, historical data must be made available. Cyber security is getting more effective and robust as machine learning and artificial intelligence enter the picture.

Source: AI News