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Embracing AI could Save Government £40 Billion a Year, Experts Say

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Using artificial intelligence (AI) could save the government £200 billion of taxpayers’ money over five years, according to a report from Sir Tony Blair’s think tank and leading technology firm Faculty.

The paper argues that the technology can transform public services and says a dedicated “AI mission control” should be established in 10 Downing Street by Rishi sunak or Sir Keir Starmer inside the first 100 days of their new government.

The UK Government should also build its own AI capability which could be used on national security and sensitive tasks, the report said.

Existing AI tools could be used to improve public services by reducing bed occupancy in the NHS, processing Personal Independence Payment claims and reduce teachers’ overtime by assisting with marking and lesson planning.

Faculty CEO Marc Warner, who played a key role in developing the Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, co-authored a foreword to the report with former prime minister Sir Tony.

They said: “The scope and scale of change will be vast. And it will come quickly.”

Stressing the need for action, the pair warned that “a failure to modernise, reform and deliver is a perilous course for a nation and those who govern it” but AI “if gripped properly” should make it an “exciting and creative time to govern”.

AI could help “reimagine the state”, they said.

“Many of the countless daily tasks in government are repeatable processes carried out on a mass scale.

“Almost all of these can be made better, faster and cheaper.”

With the potential for £40 billion-a-year savings, they said: “At a time when government is unwieldy, expensive and slow, AI can save our public services, making them more personalised and human-centric.”

Source : Evening standard